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Fentanyl Is Helping to Drive Up the Number of Overdoses

This. The family of drugs that includes heroin and fentanyl has killed far more Ohioans than COVID-19. Shocking, but true. U.S. attorney and former assistant Franklin County prosecutor said one of the reasons is because Columbus is a hub for dope dealers. (Dispatch 6/9/20). It seems the social distancing and all the preventions to save people from the virus could not keep them from being drug-related casualties.

“Franklin County Coroner Dr. Anahi Ortiz reported 12 overdose deaths from May 15 to 17 and nine more over the Memorial Day weekend. Sixty-two fatal overdoses occurred in April.” (Kovac, Dispatch 6/9/20)

I wish it could be as simple as to infer that the cartels would go away if there were no customers. I’ve been writing a book about two undercover Franklin County deputies who, for more than 30 years, collectively have been fighting this fight. The experiences I have been writing are harrowing. They gave up family experiences, lost relationships because of the demand on their time. Even now, Shawn Bain and Michael Powell are a part of Street Smart Ohio and HIDTA (the Ohio High-Intensity Drug Trafficking), a group coordinating the anti-drug efforts of federal, state, and local authorities. They have come to believe that knowledge is what will help the most to curb this fight.

Even if you suspect someone is experimenting with heroin and fentanyl, go to the closest Health Department in your area for Narcan. You could save someone’s life.

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