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I stood just inside our garage as I watched the rain and wind blow our ghostly decorations. I looked up and down the street and saw only a few lights lit to invite our beggars for the night. Could these individuals who I know have older kids forgot what it was like for these kids on Halloween?
I certainly understood if parents decided their little ones would not be going out tonight. The older kiddos would be out.
Usually, my husband and I dress for Halloween. Transferred from the back yard, we also would have a fire going in the “fire pit.”
This year the cold, rainy, and blowing wind made us decide against all that.
Our neighbor across the street came home right before the witching hour of six o’clock. Amy is usually in on the festivities. Preston, her friend, would make turkey chili and hot chocolate. I stood there watching and thinking, no way could they be ready.
Just as our grandfather clock chimed six, Amy’s garage door went up. Preston drove up, carrying a Dutch oven. Ed was baking his cornbread, his job every Halloween to add to Amy’s chili. Next door to us, the garage door ground open, and Ian, our neighbor’s teen, set out his chair as costumed youngsters came running up his drive.
As I handed out candy, I noticed that even though the lights weren’t lit, when the kids arrived at our neighbors’ doors, the door opened for them. I shrugged, maybe they forgot to turn on their lights.
We, eventually, ended up at Amy’s house for chili. Not as many kids came into our cul-de-sac this year, I’m sure it was because of the weather. As I stood there, happy for another successful Halloween, I reminded myself not to be judgmental, to watch instead to see how things played out.

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