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Learning to do an Audiobook and AI

Deep diving into audiobooks and AI should be an exhilarating and frustrating experience. Travel it with me.

I helped put myself through college singing. Yes, I did the circuit of Eagles Clubs and several other brotherhoods during the summer of my sophomore and junior years. My graduation day at Bowling Green State University was spent at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, performing with Jose and the Chicken Sisters at the Red Garter Saloon. I hope all of you were sitting down as you read that. My last and best performance was on the stage at Kenyon College as Mama Rose from Gypsy.

I loved performing and singing to people. But practicality prevailed when I became a single mom and had to be the parent to support my daughter.
Now, I am an author, and I will put my education in media to work. For twenty-five years, I was a teacher of Broadcast Media. I taught myself about video editing and sound. Now, I will learn how to use those skills in producing Audiobooks. My own. First, I will narrate After the Tears Dry, a book about a woman who redefines her life after divorce. Because Amazon had decided my book cover is violent due to a single tear, I will also learn how to design a book cover using AI.

I am sure there will be hilarious and frustrating times to share. Stay tuned.

AI, Audiobooks