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Are You Serious? If More Guns Are the Answer; Why are shootings increasing?

Every school shooting, which is reported on a national level, sets off a reaction probably in every high school of America. The shooting in Florida set off another one of those reactions. It’s terrifying. Of course there are students who are confused, reactionary, troubled in all high schools.

I started my thirty-year career in a Cleveland urban high school. I had my share of experiences that would upset the average person. But no kids were shot in school. I did have an experience in Berea when a parent brought a gun and laid it on the table during a Parent Conference. She was arguing her daughter should not have to take Phys. Ed because it would possibly ruin her virginity. (I teach English/Language Arts.)

I was on my way to meet a friend when I heard about Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. At the time, the gunman had not been apprehended. Kids were still in classrooms cowering not knowing if the event was over, but hearing other kids on other floors crying for help. By the time I made it to meet Carol, I was shaking.

As I came into school the next morning, I noticed a blue ribbon on the handle of my classroom. I assumed it was for the Westerville policemen who had been killed earlier in the week as they answered a domestic disturbance.Students really didn’t say anything as they came in. They were focused on completing a video project they had been working on for a while. Our principal came over the PA system, announcing a moment of silence for Stoneman Douglas High School and the two policemen.  He also mentioned that the administration had been planning a Lockdown Drill for this morning and decided to go ahead with it in spite of the current events. He told everyone what time this would occur. We carried on with class.

My students dutifully listened to my instructions as I locked the doors of the classroom and shut off the lights.  I explained what we would do if there was a live shooting situation in the school including putting the tables up to block the doors further but staying low because the walls could be penetrated with a semi-automatic weapon. We talked about where they could hide if necessary. Being from the era of drills of hiding under the desk in case of nuclear attack, I reflected how things had changed.  Now we were drilling to take cover from each other not an adversary from afar.

Later in the teacher’s lunchroom, I listened to the discussion that other teachers were having as they shared what they would do in their classrooms if a live shooter was in the school. We had all had ALICE training from local police.  At the time, I observed everyone and it felt more like a game. This discussion didn’t have laughter or smiles. A misinformation item of 18 school shooting occurring already in 2018 was circulating, and with it was the realization that it could occur in Worthington.

I never would have dreamed I would keep a baseball bat, balls,and a field hockey stick in a closet for the purpose of protection. I never would have dreamed I would be checking the locks on the doors to make sure we could keep someone out if locked. I never would have dreamed I would intentionally watch kids coming in and out of the auditorium during assemblies to make sure they were not carrying a gun of some sort. But I do now. I’m not alone. It is a common topic of discussion after every assembly.

Have new safety measures been added to our school? Yes. We have a whole new entrance that our wonderful secretaries defend every day. Is it working? We haven’t had any gun threats, but a fellow teacher did have an experience where a parent came into school without the proper ID and threatened her. Are the outside doors locked? Absolutely. Do students let other students in those locked doors? Absolutely.

One bit of positive is my school district just hired a social worker for our high school. This was suggested 18 years ago by a previous principal, Dr. Dianna Lindsay. Finally, health issues will be addressed for students and parents. In the meantime, another legislative brain has come with this bill.
Join me to fight this. We don’t need more guns in our schools. It just adds to the safety issues, not help them.

Erasing Gun Free Zones Teachers, Parents and Students Conceal Carry

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